Thursday, November 3, 2011
Nicest thing posted by Juliana Venetta 10:44 AM
Holla it's Monday (literally Mournday) ! How's your day everyone? Hmm.. have been busying with work recently. For the past whole week I spent almost every single day at work. No off at all and finally I managed to get off on this coming Thursday and Friday! How nice man! Hehe anyway, gonna work hard and save hard though. Next month I will be penniless because I have to spend like large amount on Christmas gifts! Aww can't wait for Christmas! Hehe planning to get some stuff from daddy, Joyce, Alex, Colin and obviously my love one, Jimmy. Alex and Joyce planned to get a Galaxy tab for dad and of course I will be chipping in as well! Time to show some love to my dad! Hehe! For Joyce I have to spend a lot too because her birthday is on December as well. So gonna get her real good pressie. Alex I have no idea what to get yet. Colin I still owed him birthday gift. Soooo that would be Christmas + Birthday gift then! Hehe I know I'ma bit cheapo lar but I'm just a student! Colin also never get for me anything for my birthday! Haha a bit calculative huh me? And lastly would be my love, Jimmy's pressie. Have something on my mind already and I hope he will love it if he gets it!
Exam is around the corner and I still haven't start my revision yet. Fml I have to strive hard and finish this shit. So sick of SIM already and I'm serious! All the best to all my mates alright!
Can't stop listening to:
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Bitter Sweet Symphony posted by Juliana Venetta 9:29 AM

Hummm, by the way is anyone looking for a part time job in singapore? Do let me know okie because my working place currently hiring part timer/full timers! Drop me an email if possible! :0
Can't stop listening to: