Monday, February 7, 2011
All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother posted by Juliana Venetta 4:56 AM

You left 8 years ago when I needed you the most. The person who I always talked with, shared my problems with, laughed along with, cried together with.. Mum, do you know I miss you terribly? You used to be so close to me.. I used to get to see you everyday, but now I could no longer physically feel you anymore.. I've been facing lots of circumstances for the past 8 years.. Could you see me in where you are now? I really hope I could still talk to you face to face. Tell me you are not gone. Tell me you are still alive please! Recently I have been facing lots of problems. Mum, could you please give me more courage to carry on? Tell me what is right and what is wrong can? You gave birth to me but u choose to leave me when I was 12. I can never figure out why this will happen to me. When I was 12, facing my major exam, there's this topic about writing the person whom I proud of. I wrote about you. All about you. Teacher read it out to the entire classmates, she cried. I could never ever forget that moment where me myself cried too. Mum, I love you! Thanks for everything that you gave me. I would still like to be your kid in next life.